Gary Talks About Middle America
[wvc_playlist id=”13099″]Lyrics
Middle America
If you know, you know the world is burning down
They’re just throwing gasoline on fires now
They don’t even wanna know how to put it out
They just want to see it burned down to the ground
If you ain’t right, you get left
If it ain’t woke, cancel it
But here in the middle where most of us fit
We’re getting left behind by the establishment
In the land of the free, home of the brave
An honest days work for an honest days pay
Some gave all so we can say what we say
I’m Proud to be born in the USA
We’re here to take our country back,
yeah man we’re telling ya
Signed … Middle America (Middle America)
What I believe, makes me the man I am
I put my faith in my creator not in government
I love my brothers and my sisters all across this land
White, black, brown we’re all Americans
In the land of the free, home of the brave
An honest days work for an honest days pay
Some gave all so we can say what we say
I’m proud to be born in the USA
We’re here to take our country back
Yeah man we’re telling ya
Signed … Middle America
In the land of the free home of the brave
If we don’t stand up they’re gonna take it all away
In the land of the free, home of the brave
An honest days work for an honest days pay
Some gave all so we can say what we say
I’m proud to be born in the USA
We’re here to take our country back
Yeah man we’re telling ya
Signed … Middle America
Middle America
Here in Middle America
Here In Middle America
© 2023 Gary Kyle
#GaryKyle #MiddleAmerica #Live #Original #HomeOfTheBrave #Country #AcousticCover #AcousticCountry